14. 2. 12

Druga novomeška Pomlad

Čas je za spremembe! Čas je za UPOR! Čas je, da končno stopimo skupaj! Čas je za dejanske premike! Čas je, da cenimo lokalne kulturnike! Čas je da nesebične ideje prevladajo nad sebičnimi idejami kapitalne koristi iz strani "veljakov" in vodilnih organov. Čas je da rdeča barva na platnu in rjuhah pomeni več kot rdeča barva v steklenici. Čas je da ste zraven! Čas je za Drugo novomeško pomlad.

24. 6. 11


All the love gone bad turned my world to black
Tattooed all I see, all that I am, all I'll be

I know someday you'll have a beautiful life,
I know you'll be a sun in somebody else's sky, but why
Why, why can't it be, can't it be mine

13. 4. 11

Roger Waters - we'll meet at last :)

Toliko let že čakam na to :) In danes se bo končno izpolnilo. Če si moram zastaviti neke idole moje glasbene poti oziroma zgodnjega življenja sta to zagotovo Bob Dylan in Roger Waters. Dylana sem že doživel v živo, Roger Waters pa me danes čaka v Zagrebu! Še en neponovljiv koncert, ki si ga bom zagotovo zapomnil za vedno. Slike in kak posnetek bom zagotovo objavil na temle blogu :)

19. 2. 11

My Baby Shot Me Down

My Baby Shot Me Down

My Baby Shot me Down is my new online store on CafePress. This store features some of my designs applied to some very cool and affordable products! Check it out!

14. 2. 11

Jimi Hendrix Action Figures

Jimi Hendrix Action Figures

These action figures are well designed and really awesome for every true fan of rock music. They can be a great gift and great piece in your collection! Check them out and vote for your favorite in the poll at the end of this lens!

Pink Floyd Action Figures

Naredil sem manjšo spletno stran, kjer lahko najdete vse dosegljive in nabavljive zbirateljske figure iz filma The Wall, mojstrovine skupine Pink Floyd.

Pink Floyd Action Figures

Priporočam ogled (in morebitni nakup) vsem oboževalcem skupine Pink Floyd in filma The Wall. Vredno ogleda!

8. 2. 11

Wikileaks merchandise and gifts

Wikileaks merchandise and gifts

This lens is dedicated to all the fans and supporters of WikiLeaks and Julian Assange. There are several ways you can support Assange and Wikileaks and by wearing their merchandise you can spread the message and promote them.